Is Trinidad and Tobago in the state some are publicizing? While I will admit that many situations are poorly managed, are we anywhere close to what some are projecting?

We are still better off than all other Caribbean Islands and far better economically than most Latin American nations within our region. we are surviving above water….. no IMF, no World Bank… No external agencies placing demands on us (although I am concerned about assistance from China) but some are likening us to Venezuela. 

Screenshot of comment made by a Facebook user.

Long Gas lines,
No water,
No forex,
Businesss closing ,
No bed or medicine in hospital
No maintenance of roads
5 months for passport.
Late payment of salaries

If ever such condition befalls us, let it be known that we spoke it into existence.

Some  Facebook comments creates a cringe….
In every society things happen, whether its job losses, poor public service Management, inadequate provisions for health/education etc.
If we are not satisfied with what the current administration is doing, then vote to remove them.
But by making false assertions publicly we are doing no good. Just encouraging misfits to justify their robberies and murders, blaming “the economy”, dampening our tourism but in general we are just casting a spirit of unnecessary gloom. Sadly, most of which is caused by our heavily influenced political and racial divide.

We use terms like “no” instead of limited or inadequate, to represent existing conditions like medication and beds at hospitals. We use false statements only because it suits our cause and we care not about stating the truth.
We may be having a continuous water and electricity supply but if for plant mantainance or act of nature, supply is interrupted, we liken our country to Venezuela.  It’s seems natural to sensationalize things rather than speak it as is.

Take a trip to any PriceSmart or Massy Stores, go to the Malls, check the Airport, see citizens going vacations and returning home, the “SkyBox couriers making deliveries, the regular watering holes, the carnival fetes, then ask, is this a nation on the brink of economic demise?

What’s happening in Trinidad and Tobago is happening in many places over the world. However many wouldn’t admit that we as citizens have adopted a lazy opportunistic, dependent attitude.
Ironically, what the current administration is doing falls in line with global standards, which is to support the  creation of non government enterprises thus stimulating the economy via the private sector and to wean government off being a major employer, except for State services similar to Federal Services in the USA.

It is very well known that state enterprises generally lack accountability simply because, funds utilized are not from the users pockets and spending without due care is rampant. This is not a PNM or UNC problem, this is general. When people have a direct investment in something, much more care is given and development takes place. “Ting Ting” Ansa, Massy, Guardian etc.


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