The act highlighted in the video shown cannot be considered as normal in any situation.  Whether this was Laventille, Chicago, Texas, Vanuatu, Australia or even on Mars.

Rage Incident at Hospital Construction Site in Point Fortin

This type of behavior depicts the lack of tolerance our society has descended to.
I am not fully aware of what prompted such action, but even at worse provocation, to deliberately ram your vehicle into another and while doing this repeatedly, watch your own vehicle being damaged in the process but still continue with your action, sends a clear message that something is not right with an individual and the “elevator is not travelling all the floors”.

When I was first told about the video, I couldn’t believe this occurred right in my hometown Point Fortin, mere driving seconds from where I live and that I actually know the driver of pushing vehicle.
It happened at the construction site of the new Point Fortin Hospital.
I thought this was a story from the Daily Mail.

Until I gather further information, I am believing that the owners of the vehicles involved had some previous issues between them and whatever preceded this was the proverbial straw which broke the camel’s back.  But still, this action is extreme. No thought seem to have been given to consequences involved, not just for the vehicle and the owner acted upon, but for oneself; the damage to personal property, associated cost and possible legal consequences.

While the video may go viral, I hope that steps are taken to conduct proper evaluation on the individual committing the act.  Not just legal consequences must be considered, but such behavior must be curbed and not allowed to expand within our community/society. Psychological counselling and mentoring should be offered.

Some would suggest that the “victim” may have provoked the aggressor to the point of becoming out of control. However, once your life is not threatened, I see no reason for such onslaught.

What also caught my attention was the calm manner in which others went about their business while in close proximity to the mayhem. No one seemed to be bothered by what was taking place within their space.

As I indicated earlier, this is not normal behavior and could be used as an indicator measuring how close our community is to “Tripping Point”.   Let’s be mindful of everything we do and how we interact with others daily.  Refrain from pushing other people’s buttons, this can trigger impulsive aggressive behavior.

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1 Response

  1. Chinaboy says:

    Dais normel so long as everyone #EatingAhFood dem ehh care about anybodeeee else🥴

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